Tuesday, November 20, 2012

top 10 :: reasons I might be a 13 year old...

So I know that technically I'm thirty-one and all that... but honestly, sometimes I think my age is dyslexic and I'm really a thirteen year old.  There is a lot of proof out there against me.  The case is pretty strong for the teeny-bopper inside of me... top ten reasons why I might be a thirteen year old... ready... go...

1) I go to Twilight Saga movie premiers.

2) I still love Lucky Charms.

3) I get ridiculously excited about Christmas.

4) I think "A Little Princess" is one of the best books of all time.

5)  I still think glitter nail polish is awesome.

6) I would eat ice cream for dinner every night if Lance would let me.

(go ahead... play the online version really quick... I won't tell.)

8) I love cotton candy.

9) I get really excited about animated movies.
(looking forward to seeing this one)

10) I still get zits... oh, yes. True story.

Jury's still out... but I think I'm just one Bieber concert away from true teen-mania.  

Linking up with Angie at Many Little Blessings...
and Lena at Lena B, Actually...


  1. Hmmm...I'm not 13, but I very well might be, like, 16. I do lots of these things. But not the midnight movie premier. I struggle through the late showings anymore.

  2. Maybe this 31 year old is dyslexic too! I'm with you on 3, 6, and unfortunately 10, too!

  3. Quick! Target has a "healthy" version of Lucky Charms!! It's all natural. And fantastic! :)

    Also, I cannot WAIT to see Rise of the Guardians.

    Happy Thanksgiving internet bestie! :)

  4. I think there's still a little kid lurking in all of us. Found you through the Tuesday 10 link-up. :)

  5. This is an awesome blog post - probably one of my favorites so far I've read over here - I'd love to hear where the inspiration came from. Also, I bet I could write one about why I'm 4.
