Monday, December 31, 2012

dear december

Dear December,

Please don't leave!  Stay forever.  Or at least let me keep my Christmas tree up a few days longer...

As usual, you were perfect in all of your twinkling goodness.  You were the perfect balance of low-key and fast-paced... from holiday travel... to office visits... to photos with Santa... to dinners with friends... to ugly Christmas sweater parties... to awesome photo events... to hot tea in cute new mugs... to cozy scarves... to adoption home study meetings... to company holiday parties... to Cirque du Soleil... to a much-needed sister visit... to organization projects... to job meetings... to Christmas mail... to flight delays... to family time... to wedding consultations... to puzzles... to twinkling lights... to Christmas day power outages... to warm sunshine... to frigid snow... to road trips... to more family time... to belated Christmas madness... to jewelry making... to stomach bugs... to hot chocolate... to barbie dress-up... to fancy manicures... to one more road trip... whew...

December, how you managed to jam-pack all of that into 31 days is beyond me.  But you did.  And I loved every second of it.

December, thanks for sharing your sparkle.


{stay tuned later today for a "best of 2012" post}

1 comment:

  1. I am sad it is over too! Especially since you guys are gone. But before you know it, you will be back in April and hopefully we will be able to make a trip before then to Louisville as well!
