Tuesday, January 8, 2013

embracing january {monthly goals}

Instead of my typical New Year's resolutions, this year I've decided to do monthly goals.  Something I can measure and reach toward each and every month in 2013.  Here are my goals for January...  

Catching up // on my photo editing.
I'm hoping to have all of my current photo sessions updated and edited by the end of January.  I have a few small sessions at the end of the month, and before I know it, the busy engagement and wedding season will be upon us... and I would love to be ahead of the game before all of that craziness starts:)

Creating more // time to read.
Because I have a lot of travel scheduled this month, this is a very attainable goal.  Statistically speaking, I read twice as much if I am on a plane, than anywhere else.  It's true.  My hope is to finish a complete book this month (for anyone that truly knows me understands that this is a major feat) and start a new one.

Cleaning out // my closet.
My sister started me out strong on this one when she visited in December... now, I just need to finish.  The biggest goal here is to do some serious purging.  This is not a resolution to "organize my closet" but rather to clean.it.out.

Caring for // my soul.
My initial thought was to put "caring for my body" here... you know, the likely January goal... and while yes- eating healthier and exercising more are always on the forefront of my mind this time of year... I know the depths of my soul need an even greater care right now.  My heart is yearning for the restoration that only the Lord can provide.  I have been really excited to start a new devotional that I received as a Christmas gift, and am looking forward to letting His word restore my soul... not only in January... but this entire year.

What about you?  Did you do resolutions this year?  Monthly goals?  I'd love to hear...


  1. Now why didn't I ever thing of that. It seems that monthly goals will be so much easier to manage!

  2. I LOVE your monthly goals idea!!! Ummm....I might have to copy this a little.

  3. I am also doing monthly goals this year. Each month is focused on a different part of my life! This month: Blogging! Good luck on your January goals!

  4. Um yes, you have a photo shoot at the end of this month...hopefully she won't be Miss Fuss Buckets as she has been lately...and then we need to schedule a 9 month one and a 12 month one (you MUST come to her birthday party and watch her shove cake in her face).

  5. I do monthly goals and I love them! Good luck on your January goals friend

  6. What a great idea! I definitely need a closet clean out too...
