Monday, February 18, 2013

for all the card hoarders out there...

One of my resolutions for February was to actually finish some projects.  My card-hoarding project was first on the list.  A long, long time ago I blogged about my card-hoarding issues and my simple solution.  You can read the original post here.

You see, I have a slight card hoarding problem.  I can't seem to throw away my snail mail... it doesn't matter if it's a thank you card, a birthday card, a graduation announcement, baby announcement, wedding invitation... whatever it is, I keep it.  Told you.  Problems.

So.  What to do about this little problem of mine??  Well, before anyone calls the Hoarders show on me... I figured I would attempt to bring some order to my card collecting obsession.

It's a pretty simple solution.  I just decided to punch a couple of holes in all of my cards and put some rings in the top of them all.  I gathered up all of my materials first: a gigantor hole punch (I use the We R Memory Keepers Crop-a-Dile), some fun tags for the front of your cards, laminating sheets (optional), some rings to corral everything together, and then of course, a shit ton of cards.

I used my awesome vintage-looking number stamp set to stamp the year on the back of some fun die-cuts.  I love the simple look of these.

After I stamped my die-cut tags, I ran them through my laminating machine.  This is probably not necessary, but I think it will make sure everything holds up for years and years of card hoarding... ahem, I mean memory keeping.

After all of my tags were laminated, I trimmed them down and punched holes in each top corner.  I went ahead and stamped 2 tags for each year that I was catching up on.  I learned early on that there is no way I can fit a year's worth of cards on one set of rings.  I told you guys... I have a crap-ton of cards.  Stop judging me. 

My favorite rings are these mesh cable rings from 7gypsies.  They seem to fit the most cards without getting too bulky.

Here's the finished product.  I love the simple tag with the year stamped on it.  And I love that you can see all of the different cards peeking out from behind.

I love that I can flip through the billions of cards like a book.  For the most part, the cards are in chronological order... so it's almost like a little snapshot of our year... birthday cards... anniversary cards... thank you notes... graduation announcements... wedding invitations... I love it.

And like I said... my card hoarding problem is so out of control that we needed 2 sets per year.  Issues people, I know.

My stack for 2013 is pretty small so far, but I'm adding cards to the pile as they come in.  I'll probably take a day to punch holes in them in a month or so.  I love how accomplished this simple project makes me feel.  While yes, my card hoarding issues continue (and show no signs of early recovery)... this little project makes me feel like the most organized hoarder out there;)

What about you?  Do you keep your snail mail?  What do you do with it?  Are you in the card-hoarders-anonymous group too?  


  1. I am seriously considering doing this. It always pains me to throw away a card. And your influence has started making me want to collect stamps. You just have that effect. lol. Love you.

  2. I love this idea!!! What a great way to save memories!

  3. Brilliant. I'm a borderline hoarder so this really speaks to me;)

  4. That's a great idea! I end up just putting cards in a box or drawer, and eventually going through and tossing all but the most precious ones. I do have a keepsake box with notes from my mom and from friends from when I was little all the way through high school. I go through it every now and then. It makes me smile. :)

  5. Yes, I need to do this. I keep them forever (also in a drawer)and then end up throwing them away. I do have a bulletin board in the garage with very special ones from you girls and your Dad, but only the cats get to enjoy those. So I need another alternative and I like this! Will you make it for me? LOL

  6. How more freakishly alike can we be? I have kept every card, thank you note, encouragement, letter, etc. I have ever gotten since about middle school!!! This is a great idea, I may just have to steal it.

  7. i did this today...and i haven't read your blog in few weeks!! guess, it's time for all of us to organize!!! i tried to organize all of bare's cards as well...he was game for it :(...sad!!

  8. wow Great idea. Love the way you can still look at them but they are bound in one location and know when they arrived.

  9. What a fabulous idea! Makes me wish I hadn't gotten rid of all my cards. Maybe I'll start my collection this year. :)

  10. Alright - next question - where are you going to store the little packets of cards :) Just on a shelf? They're adorable by the way - I wish I'd thought of this before putting my stuff in binders...
