Tuesday, March 12, 2013

book review

Apparently I only do book review posts semi-annually... which would make sense... yep, that's about how long it takes me to read enough books to compile a note-worthy post.  Yeah, yeah... I'm a slow reader, okay?  Sheesh.

Regardless... here's what I've been reading lately...
Lone Wolf {by Jodi Picolt}
I bought this book at the airport when Lance and I were traveling to Houston over the holidays. I like Jodi Picolt's writing.  She does a phenomenal job writing about hard ethical issues in a way that challenges her readers.  Lone Wolf was an easy read, but not one of my all time favorites.  I would still recommend it... just maybe not at the top of my list.

The Help {by Kathryn Stockett}
Great, great read.  I borrowed this book from my mom like a bajillion months ago... and I've heard so many great reviews... and I saw the movie.  So, I figured it was finally time to crack the book open and read it.  So.so.worth.it.  I love how Stockett writes each chapter from the perspective of a different character.  She seems to effortlessly capture the hardships of a racially divided culture and era.  If you are one of the few people left on this earth that haven't already read this book, then I highly recommend it.

Kisses from Katie {by Katie Davis}
Katie Davis is a gorgeous 22 year old girl that has left her familiar Tennessee lifestyle to live in Uganda.  She has a blog (Kisses from Katie) where she writes about her new life in the Ugandan culture.  I have occasionally read bits and pieces of her blog, but ever since Lance and I decided that we would be adopting from Uganda, I have had a new interest in pretty much anything Uganda-related.  I had heard about this book and then stumbled upon it last week when I was in Atlanta.  I have only read the introduction, but I can't wait to dive in.  This book excites me for so many reasons.

The Little Prince {by Antoine de Saint-Exupery}
I'm quite certain this is a children's book... but I am totally okay with including it on my book list.  I can't remember where I first heard about this sweet little book, but I ordered myself a copy probably over a year ago.  It's a tiny book... shouldn't take long to read at all, but I'm excited none-the-less.  Has anyone out there read this before?  Maybe to your kids?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

What about you?  What are you reading these days?  Anything recommendations?


  1. So glad you finally got to read The Help. I would read that one again! Kisses for Katie is on my to read list. I have heard it is fabulous!

  2. I looooveee the Little Prince- such a sweet book for children, yes. but he really makes you think about life. I probably have about half the book underlined because so much of it is quote worthy. and the way he talks about how we tame each other with love and relationships. One of the most beautiful books ever!

  3. My cousin was telling me about Kisses From Katie. I will have to get my hands on that one. I didn't realize she had a blog---will have to check that out too! :)
