Thursday, March 14, 2013

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Favorite co-workers.  Last week was bittersweet being my last visit to the Atlanta office.  I have made some long-lasting friendships with some of the girls that I work with... two of them pictured above.  They make me laugh and I will miss them dearly.  I'm already thinking that we'll need to plan reunions for sketchy-Santa pictures every year...

2) My hippie parents... who just happened to celebrate 37 years of blissful marriage yesterday!!  This is by far one of my all-time favorite photos of my mom & dad.  I mean, just look how awesome that hair is!!  My mom's hair looks pretty good too, huh? ;)  I am so grateful for the constant example of true love and commitment they have always given me... both as a young child and now as a married woman myself.  Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!  I love you! 

3) Adoption progress!  We have our home study scheduled for TOMORROW people!!  We still have a long ways to go... and still have more lists of paperwork to work through... but getting our home study completed will be a major milestone for us.  So many other aspects of the adoption process are dependent on our home study... the two biggies being that 1) we can start applying for adoption grants and 2) we can start compiling our dossier paperwork for Uganda.  We have been kid-proofing and cleaning the house like crazy over the past few weeks and are excited to check this major item off the list.  Please be praying that the home study will be smooth tomorrow and that our momentum will continue as we start the next phase of paperwork!! 

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

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  1. Praying for your home study! and the pictures of your parents = awesome!

  2. I love the pic of your parents! My dad's hair looked similar back then!

    So excited for your adoption progress!

  3. We were counter culture when we moved here,and it took the neighborhood by surprise! Best wishes with your home study!

    I didn't link because I stupidly used an external link in my title..

  4. So glad we made the blog! Thanks Julia and today I too am thankful for your Home Study tomorrow! Prayers coming your way!

  5. SO excited for you and Lance with the adoption progress!! And I can't WAIT to hear how the start of your new job goes. God is good! <3

  6. Wow, those are really some great things to be thankful for. Picture of the parents is priceless and 37 years is a looongg time!
