Thursday, March 21, 2013

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Some creative time.  My last day of work with my current job is tomorrow.  Tomorrow, people.  So weird.  But I am insanely excited to have a small chunk of recovery time before I start my new job.  I'm hoping to make time for some creative projects... catch up on some scrapbooking... prepare for a yard sale... and maybe even throw in a few home improvement projects?  No pressure for any of these things... just wanting to enjoy my time... I want to soak it up.

2) Weekend retreats.  Tomorrow night I'm heading to Cincinnati for our church's women's retreat.  I'm looking forward to getting some quality girl time with a few of my favorite people... but more than that, I'm longing to get some quality time with the Lord.  I'm excited about the speaker, and honestly, I'm excited about some time away from Louisville.  I know God is with me always... but sometimes it helps to have a change of scenery.  And this weekend is perfect timing.

3) My craftsman husband.  We are getting chickens.  Yes.  This is really happening.  I'll admit, I wasn't entirely on board in the beginning... but it's growing on me.  This whole chicken thing deserves a post all of it's own, so stay tuned for that.  Regardless of how I feel about the chickens, I am so impressed with my husband's chicken coop building skills.  He always amazes me when he starts building something.  He is able to envision something in his head... and then just create it.  Poof! Just like that.  So talented, that man.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

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  1. Crafty husbands are handy to have! We thought about chickens this year,too, but I think they will wait a while.

    Happy T.T.!

  2. EE!! Chickens! I'm so excited to hear all about that. :)

    Have a wonderful time at the retreat! I hope that's a huge blessing for you. :) <3

    And I'd love to see a post soon about what crafty stuff you've been up to lately :)

  3. i just had my spring break and that time to myself was definitely wonderful. enjoy your layover between jobs :)

  4. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!! That is right, all of us should do it! Cotton Maxi Dresses

  5. That is awesome that your husband is so crafty, although I don't think I could do the chicken thing! :) Thanks for linking up!
