Monday, June 24, 2013

weekend festivities

This weekend...

...Litte Cat went missing... 
It was catastrophic.  Thursday morning Little Cat went MIA... I didn't start freaking out until Saturday... which is also when I made these fancy signs.

...we ate our first egg sandwich...
With our very own fresh backyard eggs.  And they were delicious.  You really can tell a difference, swear.

...on Saturday Little Cat was still missing...
 And this was about when I started losing it.  I went to the animal shelter Saturday morning... BIG MISTAKE.  If you ever just need a really good cry, go to your local animal shelter.

...I played an intense game of Mexican Train...
Yep, our dinner parties consist of dominos, wine and baby monitors.  Don't be fooled, people were dancing on the table right after this picture.  I kid, I kid.

...yet another friend moved away...
Our dear friends Bekah and Andrew packed their bags and left for NYC this weekend.  We celebrated with good food, lots of laughing, snow cones, and mexican train.  It was bittersweet.  You will be missed B.

...Little Cat came home...
YAY!!!  LC made his way home late Saturday night... you know, right after I put up all of our signs... He came inside and ran straight to his food and water and seemed pretty hot.  We think he might have been trapped in someone's garage or something.  Regardless, we are SO GLAD he is home.

...I busted out the spray paint...
I forgot how much I love spray painting projects... such instant gratification.  More on this project later though:)

What about you??  Anything exciting this weekend??


  1. So so so glad you found Little Cat! That is definitely worth celebrating! Sorry you have so many dear friends that are moving away. Glad you had special dinners with them and hope that you can continue your friendships through out your lives. Also love your jewelry below, excited to order some of it!

  2. I miss you. Can you please come decorate my house? can't wait to see your spray paint project! we painted the living room today and I have a small paint project lined up next :). once again... I miss you.

  3. My cat from childhood, Mr. Pussy, went missing one time. (Yes...that REALLY was his name. We could never understand why my mom didn't want us walking through the neighborhood calling him to come home). Anyway, he wandered off & we finally accepted the sad truth that he was a goner. He showed up one afternoon OVER A YEAR LATER!!! He was tired and a little thin but otherwise unscathed.
