Friday, July 26, 2013

dear baby girl {letters from the heart}

Dear baby girl,
The past few weeks were filled with appointments and new information... TB tests and fingerprints... more paperwork and more notarizing... the whole process seems to be never-ending, but each step puts us closer and closer to bringing you home... and that, sweet girl, is awesome.
Last week we learned some new information about your living situation.  It wasn't necessarily good or bad information...just new.  This was your mama's first real test in motherhood... I suddenly felt so small and inadequate to care for such a precious gift as yourself. I suspect that this feeling will only magnify as I learn to mother and care for you everyday. 
My daily prayers for your care and protection have quickly turned into desperate pleas.  While I fret and worry about your every moment, God gently reminds me that He is your true Protector.  He has been faithful to protect and care for you up utnil now, just as He will be faithful to care and protect you in the days to come. 
Your daddy and I have picked out your nursery furniture and I find myself daydreaming about greeting you every morning in your new crib... scooping you up in your footed pjs and carrying you downstairs... snuggling for morning cartoons... giggling as we make heart-shaped pancakes... The idea of it all makes my heart burst with joy. 
This weekend your daddy and I are driving to Georgia for daddy's family reunion... I can't wait for you to meet all of these people that already love you so much... they are dying to give you hugs and kisses, as are all of mama's family.  You are already one very loved little girl. 
Hurry home princess.


  1. Praying for you and your beautiful family <3

  2. Love this sweet letter. Yes, hurry home Princess Zara! We love you so much already! MiMi and Papa

  3. The little princess will be so honored and touched by your letters one day. Such sweet anticipation. Looking forward to the day you three will be a family.

  4. Such a sweet letter. I'm do happy for you & it's really fun for me to see your mothering side on full force. I love it.

  5. Such a sweet letter. I'm do happy for you & it's really fun for me to see your mothering side on full force. I love it.

  6. Came to link up for TT, saw this post title and had to read it.

    It is beautiful!
    Brought tears to my eyes. Your little girl will treasure this letter one day.

  7. Praying for you and your sweet girl.

    I have to say that all the talk about Georgia makes me even more excited about my upcoming visit this weekend!

    Oh and Mindy's book is awesome! Such a fun read. :)
