Tuesday, July 23, 2013

top ten :: nursery favorites

Confession: I've been pinning nursery ideas like crazy lately.  If you follow me on Pinterest, you're probably completely over all of my navy and pink pins.  Yeah... sorry about that.  Here are a few of my favorite nursery looks right now...

Any of these strike your fancy??  I'm kind of obsessed with all of them.  Linking up this week with Angie at Many Little Blessings.


  1. My favorites are 1 and 10...very classic. I do love the floral wallpaper, but I also like the wainscotting (and I really like the pink curtains in #1). So excited to see what you and Lance do with the nursery! :)

  2. Let me know what colors you are doing so I can match her bow holder to the theme :)

  3. My faves are 1, 2 and 4! But love them all. What fun ideas! So crazy exciting!

  4. I love them all!

  5. Very cute! I've been admiring many of these from Pinterest. I think my faves are 1 and 10.

  6. Oh beautiful. My favs are #1 and #5. I love grey and then adding a bright color to it. Love the double trouble as well. :)

  7. #1 is my favorite. Double trouble is really cute too! So excited your paperwork is heading out soon.
