Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy heart day

Lance left for a little trip today, so we decided to celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday. I wasn't exactly sure what he had planned for the evening since we are currently trying to live on a "budget." (This has been a dirty word for me, mostly because I like to shop more than I like to save... but that's another post for another day.)

On Friday it took me 2 hours to get home, due to the fact that southerners absolutely cannot drive in winter weather. So you can imagine my delight when I walked in the front door to this...

My beautiful Valentine's flowers, with yes... a box of conversation hearts. These are the things that I love about my creative husband. (Side note here... When Lance and I were dating in college, he had a strict policy that he never gave flowers to a girl unless he knew he was going to marry her. So on one of our first Valentine's together he showed up to my apartment with a dozen long stemmed strawberries. Pretty clever, huh? He must have still been deciding on me:)

Then this...
Lance grilling our fillets out in the snow. He must really love me to fire up the grill in this cold wintery weather!

And then finally this...

The finished product. It was delish. The steak might have been one of the best I've ever had. Those potatoes have brie cheese mixed in... again, one of Lance's brilliant creations, and was super tasty. And you can never go wrong with lobster tail.

Thank you Lance for another wonderful Valentine's Day. I love you.

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