Thursday, February 11, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am Thankful for:

1) Candied bacon. I mean really... need I say more? Recently, my dad has turned into some kind of Emeril Lagasse and has been trying out some amazing things in the kitchen. Lucky for Lance and I, we were able to be his guinea pigs this past weekend. For our Super Bowl party, my dad tried out a recipe for Candied Bacon (aka heart attack strips), and they were INCREDIBLE.

2) The Ya-Ya's. My mom has this amazing group of girlfriends that we have deemed the "Ya-Ya's." They are all like mothers to me and they all hold a special place in my heart. Growing up, my family lived in this little leave-it-to-beaver-type of neighborhood, where the kids played freeze-tag in the streets and the parents had dinner parties. The kids have grown up, but the moms and dads all still remain the dearest of friends. Once a Ya-Ya, always a Ya-Ya.

3) Things. This is by far the best game ever invented. Seriously... ever. Friday night in Houston was spent playing "Things" with some of my absolute favorite cousins. We huddled around the heater on my parents back porch, listed to the Zac Brown Band, said some incredibly inappropriate "things," and laughed until we peed in our pants. It doesn't get much better than that.


  1. That bacon looks yummy! Can we get a recipe?? Also, I need to hear more about this game as it looks & sounds very very fun! Glad you had a great trip!

  2. I LOVED playing Things with you! It was an absolute blast and I can honestly say it's one of my new favorite games. Next time yall are in town we will have to have another game night!!! xoxo
