Sunday, May 16, 2010

another good weekend...

This weekend was even better than the last. I mean seriously... how can you top: "Robin Hood" Friday night, date day on Saturday, sushi lunch, "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on Saturday night, Sunday nap, craft day with friends, and then THIS...

Yes. This is the camera I have been lusting over for about a year now. The Canon 7D. 18 megapixels. Advanced movie mode. 8 frames per second. She's a beauty, isn't she? All this time I have been thinking, "I might be able to afford just the camera body, then I can just work with the lenses I have..."

But no.

Best Buy, how I love you. How I absolutely adore your incredible package deals. Not only did I get the Canon 7D... I also came home with this...

a Canon 28-135 lens

And this...
a Canon 70-300 lens

And this...
a totally awesome Lowepro camera pack

Not a bad weekend. Not a bad weekend at all.


  1. thou shall not covet, thou shall not covet...i'm having to repeat that to myself over and over after checking out your new camera! :) maybe i'll get to play with it some next weekend.

  2. wow...a good weekend indeed. can't wait to see how the awesome shots you get with your new equipment!

  3. How exciting!! I'm so glad you scored your dream camera, Can't wait to see the pics you take with this beauty.

  4. Do you still have money to eat?? ha!

  5. Yay!! I am so excited for you! .. i hope you are keeping your Rebel for back up, since you are shooting weddings! :)))
