Thursday, May 13, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Technology. I'm really talking email here. I love the fact that I can be penpals with my Nana & Pop even when they are hundreds of miles away. I really love the little email relationship we have built over the past year and how technology allows me to feel like I'm right there. My Pop is even more advanced than I am, and keeps trying to convince me to get on Skype more. Isn't technology awesome?

2) Cheetos. Specifically the puffy kind. Don't get me wrong, I really like the crunchy ones too... but I've recently rediscovered how much I like the puffy cheetos. Lance loves puffy cheetos. I don't typically buy them, but the other day I was at the gas station and felt compelled to buy 2 big bags. I love how you have to lick all the cheese off your fingers when you're done. It's kind of like a Cheeto-Law. Really. Don't even try to pretend like you use a napkin.

3) These jeans. I bought these for my birthday about a week ago... and they just might be the most comfortable jeans ever. I'm not sure if it's the faded, patched up feel... or simply because I bought them a size too big... but whatever it is, I am very pleased with my $24.99 GAP purchase. Amazingly these are even more comfy than my Seven's... which did not cost $24.99.

1 comment:

  1. So true about the cheetos. It's impossible to get that sticky cheese off (of your children especially) without licking it off. I've actually taught my kids how to do it themselves:) Oh, and there are some yummy all natural white cheddar cheetos that are the best!
