Wednesday, May 19, 2010

extending the life of your flowers...

You remember my birthday flowers, don't you? You know... these...Well, I am all about extending the life of my flowers to make them last as long as humanly possible. Because, I mean, really... who doesn't enjoy fresh flowers around the house? So, from the above pictured bouquet of birthday flowers emerged the following...

window sill daisies...
Fun and super simple. I just took some of the better looking daisies from my birthday bouquet, cut the stems at an angle, and dropped them in a recycled cream soda bottle. See, cream soda is good for so many reasons :)

a happy mix...
This is just a happy little mix of whatever was left of my birthday bouquet and looked healthy enough to survive another week. The little green doo-dads (I have no idea what any of my flowers are called... I'm no florist, okay) came from another birthday bouquet from my mom and dad.

tall & simple...
These pretty purple flowers were also salvaged from the bouquet that my parents gave me. I love this one. For whatever reason, I love having a group of flowers that are all the same. They might not be much by themselves, but grouped all together, they seem to make a statement. I just used a recycled olive oil bottle here.

coffee mug pleasures...
This was the last of what was left from my parents bouquet, and I just couldn't bear to throw them out yet. So, I trimmed these bad boys down and stuck them in my favorite coffee mug. I put these right by the kitchen sink, and they make me just a little bit happier when I'm doing dishes :)


  1. I love all the recycled bottles as vases! You are so "green"! Very cute. I love fresh flowers as well :) I think it makes your house seem happier!

  2. what a happy and pleasant post...thanks for making me smile today and also making me think twice before I toss my next fresh flower arrangement!

  3. Wow, never knew you had such a green thumb, way to go Julia! What a great way to extend the happiness!

  4. Julia, so creative and pretty!

  5. I love fresh flowers, too! And I love all your arrangements. Oh and the green doo dads are called Button Mums.
