Friday, July 30, 2010

daydreaming about design... (again)

You see, I have this problem. I constantly daydream about the placement of furniture in our new home... How that new desk will look in that new room... If I can repurpose the china hutch as a book shelf...

It's somewhat of a disorder actually. My to-do list is a mile long, but yet, it seems that all I can think about are room measurements and paint colors.

So, until I am actually able to arrange (and rearrange) in our own new home... I will have to get my inspiration from blogland. And there is plenty out there. I have a few favorite decorating blogs/sites that I check out every once in a while... but all this seems to do is increase my design daydreaming habits.

Over at Marta Writes, they are discussing the selection of decorative pillows and pillow placement... I am in LOVE with that yellow flower pillow!

Then at the Nesting Place, she beautifully repurposed a $3 Goodwill picture frame.

And at COCOCOZY, she inspires with my new absolute favorite color combo... yellow & gray.

You guys have any other favorite sites for decorative inspiration? I'm all ears, as I will be making our new guest house a home in only 3 short weeks...


  1. No ideas...I'm terrible at decorating. You are so creative...I know your new home will look fabulous.

  2. only a list a mile long...will send you an email of my favs! xoxo

  3. Love all the above ideas! I am sure after you put your special touch on everything it will look great... after all look at your past 3 homes, they were all picture perfect! Can't wait to see it this fall!
