Thursday, July 29, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Ranier cherries. I could eat bowls and bowls of ranier cherries... seriously, I love these things. Ranier cherries are so deliciously sweet and juicy. They define summer for me...

2) Weekend visits. This weekend we have a handful of old friends coming in town. I am particularly excited about this family... Matt and Carrie are good friends from our college days and have two beautiful daughters... can't wait to see you guys :)

3) Ghirardelli chocolate chip cookie mix. This box makes the absolute best chocolate chip cookies ever... hands down. All you have to do is add a stick of butter and an egg... and wah-la, you suddenly have delicious chocolate chip cookies that taste homemade. I dare you to try them yourself... double dog dare you.


  1. yay! we are excited to see ya'll too...and i do recall one of the times we visited ya'll you made those yummy cookies! and...those cherries are my favorite too!

  2. okay...are these cookies available at ingles? i'm eager to judge for myself!! :)

  3. laura... they are. at least right now. ingles hasn't had them for a while, but i saw them the other day and bought 3 boxes. you must try them!!!

  4. okay, julia...snagged a box at the ingles in cornelia yesterday. after the fourth or fifth cookie, i decided they ARE really good! :)
