Wednesday, October 6, 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like...


Okay, okay... before all of you "I-don't-celebrate-Christmas-until-after-Thanksgiving-types" get all upset about this post, let me just clarify... I'm not decorating the house or anything like that... yet. But it never hurt anyone to daydream a little early about Christmas... and maybe even hum one verse of jingle bells in October...
And really... I can't help it...

I went to the grocery store last week and they had those fabulous-smelling cinnamon pinecones and those weird cinnamon brooms right at the front of the store. I love that smell. It just screams Christmas to me. I feel like I should be huddled up by a roaring fire with a hot chocolate in hand.


And of course Hobby Lobby is all decked out already... They start in July. (I swear, they really do.) But I love walking down their beautifully-color-coordinated ornament aisle. Every time I go to Hobby Lobby around the holidays, I come up with the most random themed-tree ideas. A few years ago, I was this-close to buying a whole shopping cart of hot pink & black ornaments. Sigh... don't worry, I put them back. Can you imagine Lance's face if I told him we were having a hot pink Christmas tree??


Then there is the "December Daily" album. "What's a December Daily album?" you might ask. Only one of the most brilliant ideas ever. Ali Edwards is responsible for said brilliant idea. She creates one of these every year... it is basically a scrapbook of sorts, meant to capture the days and memories leading up to Christmas. You can read about some of her past December Daily albums here. Last year was the first time I tried to make my own December Daily. It's still not finished... just like many of my scrapbooking attempts. But it's pretty dang close. I plan on giving it another try this year...


I can't help it. I just really love Christmas... always have, always will.


  1. Me, too. I cannot wait for Christmas. And I also agree that those cinammon brooms are weird....but they do smell good.

  2. I love the Christmas!! My Barbie tree is silver with hot pink ornaments and glitter but really does that surprise anyone?

  3. We really are the SAME person! I LOVE Christmas and usually start baking Christmas cookies on's a Heineken family tradition! :)

  4. i think i might have been an accomplice to the hot pink and black idea.... you'll appreciate this. my mom and i went to hob-lob last week and bought an entire cart of hot pink, lime green, turquoise, and hot purple for her new tree. we'll see what happens, but it is SO CUTE in our heads.
