Thursday, October 7, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Photo opportunities. This week has been packed full with photo opportunities... a newly engaged young couple... an adorable mother/daughter duo... and a gazillion snapshots of my precious nieces. Love capturing these moments.

2) Chicken 'n' Dumplings. I LOVE chicken 'n' dumplings. Lance's grandmother Meme always made the best dumplings, but since she passed away, no one has been brave enough to try to replicate them. Until Tuesday night. Lance and his mom made some amazing dumplings... I felt like I was at Meme's. They were that good.

3) Christmas magazines. Holiday magazines make me happy... like, really happy. I love flipping through the pages of Christmas cookie recipes, decorating ideas, holiday stress reliever articles, and Christmas gift lists. I've already seen a few on the racks... probably will need to get one. I'm just sayin'.

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