Thursday, October 21, 2010

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) My dear friend Amy. It is her birthday today. She is one of my bestest friends ever. We were college roommates for 4 years and played volleyball together at Troy. She knows me inside and out. She is one of those people that you just feel calmer by being around her. Seriously. She is grounded, wise and tender-hearted. She will tell me things I might not want to hear, but in such a way that I don't mind hearing them. She has the most beautiful family (with the newest addition just arriving 6 weeks ago). Happy birthday Amy... I love you!

2) Golden Oreo Cakesters. Have you tried these things? I thought the Golden Oreos were amazing... but these take the cake! Literally. The fluffy cake-like texture and creamy filling is to-die-for. Seriously, what am I going to do when I have kids one day and am trying to convince them to eat healthy... as I stuff my face with Oreo Cakesters and Dr. Pepper?

3) Chapstick. I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to chapstick. I use it numerous times throughout the day and have various brands/flavors scattered throughout the house... in the bathroom drawer, on the bedside table, in the container on the coffee table, on my desk, and 2 in my purse. My personal favorites are Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick (this looks exactly like a giant glue stick, no lie) and Arbonne's Lip Saver Sunscreen with SPF 30 (a little more expensive, but Arbonne has fabulous products and is completely animal friendly).


  1. oh, great...another food recommendation! i don't know if my figure can take it. don't worry about having to give up your cakesters & dr. pepper when you have kids. that's what naptime is for! :)

  2. I also love lip balm...and lip gloss for that matter. I'm sure I won't try the cakesters as I have zero willpower once I get started. & Happy Birthday to your friend Amy!

  3. You are cracking me up Julia... you were definitely born with a sweet tooth and I will take some blame for contributing to it when you were little, but I had no idea it would go this far!!

  4. I am a chapstick addict, too. It's kind of driving me nuts lately...since it's getting cold out. But what's a girl with OCD supposed to do, really?

  5. and your friend amy is thankful for you. i am so stinkin' thankful that we spent those four years together. i cannot imagine life without ya! love you...
