Wednesday, December 15, 2010

blogspirations... winter edition

So much awesomeness out there in Blogland right now... a few things I am really loving...

These adorable little paper Christmas trees over at Elle's Studio. Seriously... how cute are they? They seem pretty easy to make too. Seeing as we leave in just 4 days for the holidays, this little craft will have to wait for next year... but I still think they are adorable, and totally blog-worthy. You can view the step-by-step instructions here.

A Christmas planning binder... compliments of Marta Writes. I am so all over this. Anything that combines Christmas + Organization + Planning... I'm totally in. I have already started piling up magazine clippings, recipes, gift lists, etc that will be compiled into my very own Christmas Planning Binder. You can see how Marta organizes hers right here.

I'm totally in love with the mini-calendar by Blog Guidebook. It is gorgeous. I love the design... but even more-so, I love that it is FREE. You can download your own copy directly from this post. They even give you some great ideas about how to display your tiny miniature calendar. What a perfect little 2011 desk calendar.

How great are these snow drift candles by Living With Lindsay? Aren't they beautiful? I love the hint of sparkle. They sound super easy to make... Lindsay made hers with her 4 year old. A perfect kid-friendly craft to pull out once school is finished...

I love these super simple wine tags by Red Star Ink. What a perfect hostess gift. They have some great holiday cards as well. I love that they will personalize almost anything and it's all eco-friendly if you're into that... beautiful.

So many blogspirations... so little time...

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