Tuesday, December 14, 2010

top 2 tuesday

This week's Top 2 Tuesday is your favorite games... To be quite honest, I have never been much of a game person... I used to cringe when friends in college wanted to have "game night." I was a closet game-hater. However, this all changed when I discovered game #1...

1) THINGS. Best game ever. Hands down. It is hilarious. Straight laced people come up with the most outragous things. If you haven't played THINGS before, you really must try it... even if you're a game-hater. You will not be disappointed... but you might pee in your pants.

2) OPERATION. Second best game ever. I realize this game is meant for 7 year olds... but whatever. It still scares the crap out of me when that dang buzzer goes off. We typically pull this bad boy out on New Year's Eve (right before we play THINGS)... I'm pretty confident that I could perform surgery on any one of you in an emergency situation... I've been well-trained.

Head over to The Undomestic Momma to link up and share your own top 2 favorite games.


  1. I almost pee my pants everytime I play Operation, but I will try Things! I've never heard of it...we're having a Christmas party this weekend, so I will definitely get it for that :) Thanks!

  2. That's too funny about the tag line -- nevermind the fact that we are both accountants and wannabe photographers!

    I haven't played operation in years! Oh childhood memories!

  3. ohhh operation I havent seen that game in forever, I now have an eurge to go find it and play it!

  4. i love operation!!!! i've not heard of Things, but i sounds fun! i'll have to try and find it!! :) cute blog!!! :) i'm your newest follower!!

  5. totally surprised that you were a game hater! you are always the one to bring out the games when we are together. can't wait to hang out on new years!!!

  6. Stopping by from Top 2 Tuesday! I used to love Operation! Happy Tuesday!

  7. So, we were in Target last night and guess what was on sale?! Things!! We bought it and are planning on playing it this weekend!!! Thanks for the new game :) xoxo

  8. One of my favorites! Hopefully we can play on Christmas and have as much fun as we did that night at your house!!! xoxo
