Wednesday, December 8, 2010

he & she

{photo via Eckland Court}

he is relieved to have completed his first semester of seminary.

she is attempting to decorate their little rental for christmas.

he is loving all of this cold weather and snow.

she is learning to dress in layers.

they have officially joined a new church.

he is following ESPN and all of the bowl game excitement.

she is watching ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas every chance she gets.

he is using his spare time to read and get ahead of the game for next semester.

she is using her spare time with paper and scissors, documenting the holiday season.

they are hoping to catch a couple of UofL basketball games this year.

he is very involved with our church's mercy ministry.

she is still traveling once a month for work.

he has mastered his mom's brunswick stew recipe.

she has successfully finished wrapping and shipping all of their Christmas presents.

they are thrilled to be traveling to Houston this year for the holidays.

Disclaimer: I totally stole this idea from Elise's blog... she is a creative genius. You can read my first "he & she" post here.


  1. Wow, do you have any idea how ahead of the game you are?? Christmas gifts wrapped and sent?? You are truly amazing!
