Tuesday, December 7, 2010

top 2 tuesday

This week's Top 2 Tuesday is your favorite Christmas ornaments.

1) My cheap plastic red ball ornaments. I'm pretty sure I bought these at Wal-Mart a few years back... nothing really spectacular about them. But for the past 2 years, theses are really the only ornaments that have made it out of storage and onto our tree. We have been in a different house the past 2 years, and this year I hardly know where all of our Christmas decorations are. Kind of sad, I know. But I have grown to love the simplicity of these ornaments... and they look fabulous on our little 3 foot tree:)

2) Our First Christmas ornament. Every year I try to find an ornament that is meaningful for me and Lance. Something simple that will remind us of that year together. This is obviously from our first Christmas together in 2004. This year I want to try documenting the meaning behind each ornament... something maybe to include in our December Daily:)

Visit Taylor's blog at The Undomestic Momma to link up and share your own favorite Christmas ornaments!


  1. I love the balls! They are so easy and can instantly add color. And your first ornament is always special.

  2. Send me your email address and I can send you the pdf for making the owls. They are super easy. I am not a sewer by any means.

  3. I love red balls, too! I have a bunch of those on our tree. I also have some sentimental ones, but I feel like the red really ties it all together.

    I'm visiting from Top Two Tuesday.

  4. How funny that you posted this. When we decorated last night I took some pics with plans to post about some of our special ornaments. Guess I'll link up!

  5. Love the ornaments and I love your blog!

    I am an accountant as well. Thanks for you comment :)

  6. I love the ornaments! I have some red balls on my tree as well!

  7. I can't wait to have an "Our First Christmas" ornament :) It will be NEXT YEAR! We also have cheap Walmart ornaments we've been using the past couple Christmases that we'll probably keep forever just to remind us about our first Christmases together before we were married. :)
