Monday, December 6, 2010

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

I actually live in a place where it snows. So weird. I don't think it snows a ton in Louisville, but definitely more than anywhere I have lived in the past. Don't get me wrong... we would typically get 1-2 snows a year in Habersham... but it's just different here. People don't freak out here. They don't go to the grocery store to stock up on bread, milk and eggs, for fear of getting snowed in. They don't cancel all schools at the sight of a single snow flurry. They actually know how to drive in this weather. It's quite amazing actually. And it's really, really pretty. I'm not sure if I will be saying how pretty it all is come February. But for now... it's beautiful.

These pictures were taken just around the corner from our house. Don't they look like they belong on a postcard? Maybe with the lyrics of "over the river and through the woods..."


  1. we were in durham this past weekend and enjoyed a couple of inches as well. it was really pretty and no one there freaked out either! wish it snowed more in habersham too.

  2. I can't believe you already have snow! It is gorgeous...can't wait until we get our snow here!

  3. Oh my goodness! Look at the snow! Amazing!

  4. that does look like it should be on a postcard. Here in Auburn, we are the ones who freak out, cancel school, and stock up :)

  5. It doesn't snow a ton, but enough that people drive like idiots. The worst in Louisville is when you get an ice storm. We had one two years ago that was terrible. It shut down everything for a week. It was nice since there was so school.
