Wednesday, January 5, 2011

11 in 2011 :: places i hope to go

Kit over at A Step into My Life has been doing a great little segment for the first 11 days of 2011... "11 in 2011" if you will. And yes, I do realize that today is the 5th, and I have in fact missed out on days 1-4... and more than likely, I will miss out on a few more days before the 11th... but I thought today was a fabulous day to join in the fun.

Because day 5 of "11 in 2011" is... places you hope to go this year... I am all over this one my friends....

Alaskan Cruise. I mean seriously... how awesome, right? Well, I am going. In July. We are celebrating my parents 35th wedding anniversary in style this year. There will be a nice little group of us... family from both my mom's and my dad's side... and Lance's mom and her husband are going too. Cannot wait. If I didn't leave my house for the rest of the year and this was the only cool thing I did for all of 2011, I would be totally okay with this.

Vancouver. As a result of the above trip, Lance and I will get to spend 2 days in Vancouver before our cruise ship docks out. I'm totally stoked about this as well. I've never been anywhere in Canada and I'm looking forward to my first visit.

Chicago. This has to happen. It's on my 30 by 30 list, and I've always wanted to visit The Windy City. I'm not entirely far away now that we are living in Louisville... and I have an awesome girlfriend that has been making frequent Chicago-trips lately... hoping to match my schedule to hers...

New York. I have another awesome friend that just recently moved to New York for a few months. I am definitely hoping to make a trip up to see her. I have been to New York a couple of times... but this city never gets old. Always something to do... something to see. Would love to catch a musical this go around... Wicked, perhaps?

College Station. Okay, okay... so this destination doesn't have all the frills and flare of the above locations... but I am just as excited about this trip. I was asked to photograph the Women's Masterpiece Conference in March... which I am obviously ecstatic about... but even more so, I'm looking forward to the conference itself. The Masterpiece Conference is a weekend devoted to helping young women know who Christ is, who they are in Christ, and how they can use the gifts God has given them. It should be an amazing weekend.

Head on over here or here to link up with all the "11 in 2011" fun.


  1. Chicago! Chicago! Chicago!!!!! PS your Alaskan cruise and stop in Vancouver sounds absolutely fabulous. Very jealous.

  2. You must go to Chicago! But wait until the summer ...nothing beats a wonderful Chicago day!

  3. I'm so jealous you are going on an Alaskan cruise! I've been to Chicago, it was amazing! Ooh, and I have always wanted to visit NYC! Have fun!

  4. Saw Wicked in NYC last year - FAB! Oh, and College Station isn't so bad. I spent 4 years there and I loved it soooo much.

  5. You have an awesome year of travels ahead of you! Sounds so much fun! My parents would LOVE to go on that cruise!

  6. So many fun trips planned this year!! I loved Chicago and NYC!! I've always wanted to go on a cruise and those Alaskan cruises look just stunning...

  7. Alaska sounds great, I want to go there too!
    (ps, hadn't stopped by your blog before but I LOVE it!)

  8. whew! so glad I made the cut! Phone date soon?

  9. Wow! You've got some amazing trips plan! What a fun year!

    Stopping by from the 11 in 2011 linkup!

  10. Chicago! And I'm going to NYC this summer, too!
