Wednesday, January 5, 2011

i am so over... out of a suitcase.

Seriously. We have been gone for almost 3 weeks now. I am out of clean underwear. I have slept in 3 different beds. I actually finished a book. I am almost out of toothpaste. Oh, and my face hates me right now (no, really... it's about to dry up and crack into a billion little pieces).

But no worries... because we are going home tomorrow. For a minute, I forgot where home even was. I had to remind myself a couple of times that we actually live in Kentucky. We have been in Georgia for so long, that I almost (almost) thought we lived here again. Between working at the Atlanta office, driving my ridiculous commute, hanging out with old friends, and eating Lance's mom's home cooking... it was beginning to feel just like the old days...

But in all reality, I am ready to get home. I am ready to have a consistent schedule... ready to see some of my new friends... ready to work in my sweats again... ready to see Little Cat... heck, I'm even ready to do laundry... I am just ready to be finished with living like this...


  1. i feel you, friend! by the end of december i actually hated the look of anything resembling a suitcase. i bet Little Cat misses you!

  2. How did I not see you the entire time you were here? I know what you mean the time I leave my parents' house I'm always so thankful for our little cozy home.

  3. but i don't want you to leeeeaaave.

  4. Living out of a suitcase definitely wears you out! Hope you have safe travel home!

  5. For a minute I thought this was your Thankful Thursday as in "ahhh, thankful to go home!" But, maybe this will be on your Thankful Thursday post... a pic of your cozy home and little cat!

  6. I don't blame you. The suitcase living will all be over soon (for a little while anyway). :)

  7. Oh girl... I've been practically living out of suitcases for the past two years! Yes I said years!!! :) It's a nightmare but I hope things will settle down soon :)
