Monday, February 21, 2011

mobile photo session favorites

I spent the past weekend in Mobile, Alabama. It was a dual-purpose trip... 1) I got to love on my adorable twin nieces... and 2) I had 9 photo sessions scheduled. Yes... nine.

It was a fabulous weekend... six family sessions... two engagement sessions... and one newborn session... {aka lots of good time behind the camera}.

I can't even begin to describe how awesome these sessions were... Well, see for yourself...

sweet sticky faces...

deep baby blues...

tender love kisses...

last minute giggles...

cute baby wrinkles...

beautiful young love...

contagious toothy smiles...

little super models...

sweet pitiful tears...

Be looking for session spotlights on each of these within the next couple of weeks!


  1. So many incredible faces!! Glad to hear/see you had a great weekend!

  2. Holy cow, that's a lot of sessions! Good for you and nice work.

  3. Great job! Any tips? What lenses do you use?

  4. wow! someone is going to be busy editing for a while! looks like you've got lots of beautiful material for your portfolio.

    p.s. those twin nieces are incredibly adorable. obviously they are both Blacks, but that one with the curls is no mistaking! i'm guessing the other looks like her mama.

  5. they are awesome Julia!! it was SOOO great to see you this weekend!!

  6. Seriously?! Nine?! You are my hero. Not only is it amazing that you had time to pull that off, your work is fantastic as well. Cute subjects too (:

  7. Great photos! I just sent you an email too!

  8. I love that last photo! It melts my heart. Glad that you had a great trip!

  9. The photos look beautiful! I cannot belive how much your neices have grown! And I'm so proud of you for booking nine shoots...go Julia!

  10. OMG! 9 sessions is crazy! These are awesome pics! I LOVE the tears, so cute!
