Wednesday, February 23, 2011

real life... realistically.

Real life.

It's funny how in Blogland, everyone seems to have it all together. We post about clean rooms, finished projects, perfect children, folded laundry, amazing spouses, healthy food... the list could go on. Not that these things are bad... or that we shouldn't share them with the blogosphere... {I mean, because trust me, if I eat healthy, you guys are going to hear about it.}

But lately, I've been wanting to be a little more real.... Wanting to bare a little more of my soul... or at least for now, my dirty laundry...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

What about you? What does your real life look like... realistically?

Linking this post up to Capturing Motherhood's "picture me imperfectly" series...


  1. Oh so true! It's like when you know your cleaning lady is coming and you clean your house before she comes. What is that all about?!

  2. Oh man if only I had pictures right now to show you. You are so right in the sense the sometimes people only post the good things and keep the bad all hidden away in their dark closet.

    Oh, and I LOVE that headboard of yours!

  3. I love this post! If anyone has the "typical" house, I want to hire them! And your "realistic" is better than mine on a good day!

  4. So so true. PS did you ever realize how many pairs of wedges you own? I heart you.

  5. i don't have any of the clean pics so i can't mimic your post! :) at least you have picture perfect moments captured on film.

  6. I think we all can relate on some level to the above..and thanks for "keeping it real". I am a neat FANATIC so unmade beds are never seen, just have a few pet peeves but at the end of the day we are all human.....and certainly some days things have to fall to the wayside. Anyone who says there things never do...probably has a secret vice that is way worse than any of us can imagine! And btw your realisitic looked better than a lot of people I know...on a good day!

  7. thank you SO very much for writing this post and for linking up!

  8. This is every blogger. I know I am guilty of hiding things just out of the cameras viewfinder or cropping clutter out of a photo. Great post!

  9. LOVE this post, especially the unmade bed. Since I work during the day and Brent works at night (several nights a week, anyway), someone is almost always in our bed, so I can't tell you the last time it was made completely.

    Also, since having Chandler, I have had to get over some of my "neatness" because he pulls out everything! Thanks for sharing!

  10. alright, I linked it on up. Love you, Julia. This is an incredibly uplifting post.

  11. How true it is :) Great post! That reminds me I should go fold my load of clothes before they are so wrinkly I have to re wash them ~ HA!

  12. i'm with've got some photos of the neatness and organization for your great reality check.

    great idea!

  13. love this... you're secret safe with me. :)

  14. SO true! I love's how my house looks most of the time!
