Thursday, February 17, 2011

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Chung's egg rolls. These things are AMAZING. I'm typically not a huge fan of egg rolls... especially frozen ones, at that. But these things are the dealio. I was first introduced to them when I visited this friend in Georgia a few weeks ago... and ever since then I have been searching high and low for these egg rolls. So far, I'm a huge fan of the vegetarian and the chicken. You must try.

2) These two cutie-pies.... who happen to be greeting me at the Mobile, AL airport this afternoon! These are my twin nieces... and they are absolutely adorable. I'm in love... seriously.

3) Photo-filled weekend. Not only do I get to see those adorable twin girls... but I also have quite a few mini-photo-sessions booked for this weekend... 10, in fact. Several family sessions, a few engagement sessions, and one newborn session. Be expecting a sneak peek or two this weekend!

So... here's how Thankful Thursday works...

:: Write up a little post about what you are thankful for. I always pick 3 things... (but that's just me, and how I started TT on the very first post). You can pick how ever many you want. I mean, I'm not the Thankful Nazi or anything.

:: Remember the simple things. This Thankful Thursday is yours... and you can be thankful for whatever you want... but what I love about doing this every week is that it forces me to really think about the simple pleasures in life... both big and small.

:: Add your awesomeness to the Thankful Thursday linky list below. Please be sure to add your actual Thankful Thursday post... not just a link to your blog home page.

:: Tell your friends. Link back to this blog and invite your other bloggy friends to join in Thankful Thursday. If this works out and you guys want to do this again and again... I will work on getting some type of Thankful Thursday button... promise.

:: Be sure to visit some of the other blogs on the list. Share the love. It's always to encouraging to read what everyone else is thankful for.

:: Be thankful.


  1. I recently discovered those eggrolls too and they are really good. I'm not usually a frozen food connoisseur but those are my exception.

    Your nieces are adorable! I can see why you're crazy about them (:

  2. I need to try those eggrolls! You are a busy girl this weekend - sounds like fun!!

  3. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I used to host thankful thursday and then I just kind of stopped. I will have to link up with yours soon.

  4. That picture of my mom is a hoot, isn't it? Good luck with your running - I hate running, but the getting better & feeling good parts are totally worth it.

    Hope you have a fantastic weekend, and I can't wait to see pictures!! :)

  5. I'll be purchasing the egg rolls this weekend!! I can't wait to try them. I miss you and hope you have a great weekend! xoxo
