Thursday, January 28, 2010

thankful thursday

I recently received an email from my Pop and he told me how he has started a journaling exercise where he thinks of three things everyday that he is thankful for. And while, yes, there is something to be thankful for everyday, I will try this journaling exercise out on a weekly basis... only because I'm not sure my bloging skills are disciplined enough yet.

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) My Pop. This is my dad's dad. I am thankful that he introduced me to this little exercise. I was lucky enough to grow up living right next door to my Nana and Pop. They have always "spoiled me rotten" and have consistently played an influencial role in my life.

2) Working from home. My company typically allows me to work one day a week from home. For me, this is huge. I drive 130+ miles everyday to and from my office (65 miles one way). I spend approximately 2 1/2 hours in the car everyday. That's about 14 hours a week, 56 hours (or over 2 days) a month. That is insane. So you can imagine how much I appreciate getting some of those hours back. It makes me happy. I can actually do laundry. I eat cocoa krispies for breakfast. I listen to Pandora all day. I get 2 more full hours of sleep... beautiful.

3) Date night. My husband Lance is great at blocking out time just for us. We go to movies, out to dinner, shopping, to shows, etc. We have a date night scheduled this weekend. Just the two of us. It will probably be low-key, maybe dinner & a movie... but it will be some quality time together. After the holidays and my recent travels, I am really craving a date night.

1 comment:

John Leslie, Jr. said...

this is thursday...and this is the first time i've seen your blog...and i'm thankful too. i'm thankful for 2 great daughters (one of whom is you!) and for the best wife in the world who lets me buy all kinds of ridiculous gadgets whenever i want to and for great parents and...wait...that's 3 isn't it?

love you!