Saturday, March 12, 2011

masterpiece 2011 recap...

I mean... where to even start?

I spent last weekend with about 300 other women in College Station, TX for Masterpiece 2011... and it did not disappoint. I felt completely honored to be behind the camera lens for this event... it was such a beautiful weekend.

What exactly did we do at Masterpiece, you might ask? Well... I'll tell you...

...we learned more about the promises of God...

...we were mesmerized by the dance & worship of talitha's dance company...

...we were led in worship by these 3 amazing women...

...we looked on as jamie wells quietly turned a blank canvas into a magical masterpiece...

...we were "part of the solution" as we dreamed up ways to help around the world...

...we prayed for the nations...

...we bought water so that others around the world could have free water...

...we filled up journals for young women that are enslaved to sex trafficking...

...we painted heartfelt pictures to be given to the young children of the women enslaved in sex trafficking...

...we brought thousands of diapers to be given away at the hope pregnancy center...

...we enjoyed the acoustic coffeehouse sounds of these very talented singer/songwriters...

...we got henna tattoos...

...we soaked up the heartfelt teachings of kelly matte...

...we enjoyed an evening concert by the ever-so-talented christy nockels... amazing weekend, no doubt...

Masterpiece has impacted hundreds of young women. Read their personal stories of redemption here.

Learn more about Breakaway Ministries here... and Masterpiece here.


  1. Wow, that looks like an amazing time! I've never heard of those ministries, I'll check it out. Thanks for the post :)

  2. Looks like an amazing weekend! Your pictures are awesome!

  3. i like that they used so many different mediums throughout the conference. not to mention the artistic flare.

  4. Love this Julia! May I share these photos on FB??
