Sunday, March 13, 2011

thirty-five blissful years

Thirty-five years is a big deal. It is. I am so grateful for my parent's beautiful example of love and marriage. I look up to them in so many ways.

They compliment each other so well. They are college sweethearts... they are co-workers... they are best friends. They are awesome.

We are looking forward to celebrating with them on our Alaskan cruise this summer!!

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! I love you.


  1. Great photos! Happy Anniversary to your parents!!

    My parents just celebrated 32 years and my in-laws are going on 37 years. I agree with you on the wonderful example parents set for us.

  2. Happy Anniversary to your parents! I love your dad's hair in the first photo. :)

  3. Hey what about mine Selena?? Ha, only kidding! We were pretty wild, hip and crazy but we had a great time dating and were and are still totally in love!

  4. OH Julia, forgot to tell you THANK YOU for such a sweet post. May I have this to share on FB too?? If I share the link and then put thirty-five blissful years after that will it pop up for them??

  5. Your dad's hair? what about your mom's gorgeous locks! i agree there's nothing quite like seeing your parents as a solid, unshakeable unit. they symbolize our past and our future. so glad you have great ones. mine will celebrate 38 years this summer. we are blessed
