Tuesday, April 5, 2011

only one month left to revel in my 20's

It's true friends. In one short month I will embrace my 30's whole-heartedly. They are coming, regardless of my invitation.

So, in order to truly welcome my approaching 30's, I created a list. A list of 30 things I wanted to do before I turned 30. My 30 by 30 list if you will. You can see various posts about this list here.

A long, long time ago I came up with the brilliant idea of documenting the items on my list in a photo album... my 30 by 30 in a book. This book is just now starting to take shape... well, kind of. It's still missing pictures... but I'm planning on ordering those sometime this week. Here's a glimpse into the frame work of the album so far...

I love the way it's turning out so far. But working on this album has shed some major light on my list. I have a pretty busy month ahead of me... with 6 major items left to cross off...

#8 throw a themed party. (Check. "Crafts & Classics" this Friday night:)

#10 put in some volunteer hours. (Hoping to schedule this soon.)

#22 take a hot air balloon ride. (This is my big ticket item... and hopefully my 30th birthday present:)

#23 visit chicago and/or seattle. (Chicago. April 22nd. Can't wait.)

#27 learn a new word and actually use it. (I welcome any suggestions you guys might have.)

#30 learn about my "family tree" and history. (Will need my Pop's help on this one.)

It's coming along... slowly but surely. I've seen several 30 by 30 lists out there and I'm always fascinated by them. Would love to read yours if you have (or had, for those of you that have already embraced your 30's:) one. Leave me a comment with a link to your 30 by 30 post so I can be sure to check it out.

Oh! And PS... be sure to check back tomorrow for my very first giveaway!!!


  1. #10- Taking pictures of refugee elders should definitely count as volunteer hours.

    #27- Spoonerism. When you switch the beginning letters/sounds of two words. e.g. Lair Fady. So one of my favourite words.

    #30 You'd be surprised how much stuff you can learn for free at ancestry.com

    PS- I am totally stealing your book idea. Come over and help me with it. For real. I want to copy yours...with my own list. I am so non creative.

  2. looks cute Julia, I love your crafty brain!

  3. hehe.. love the book idea. 30 isn't so bad.

  4. I turn 30 this year too!! I'm trying my best to embrace it...I hear it's not so bad :) We'll see.

    Happy Tuesday!

  5. This is such a great idea! I think I might do something similar for my 101 in 1,001 List! Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. Kyle could definitely help you with #27. He's all about words. Or just sign up for a word of the day list with your email like he does, and practice using the word everyday!

  7. great job on your 30 by 30 list...you've accomplished a lot!

  8. you're so creative. i love it!!! here's a word for ya: ostensible.

  9. LOVE the book! What a great idea!

  10. The book is beautiful. Good luck with number 22. I always wanted to do that. No one will go up with me, all scared of heights! Don't have a 30 by 30, mine would have to be 60 by 60 and who has time for that?

  11. I love the idea of a scrapbook to document everything! I may have to copy you on that! :) Good luck finishing up your list, looks like you'll make it!

  12. your so close to finishing the list! that's awesome girl. and i started my 35 by 35...will be stealing the "own a pair of TOMS" idea...and probably more as soon as i familiarize myself with your list. :) happy almost birthday! you can still shop at forever 21 and pretend that time has seized. trust me. i'm almost 34 and it works like a charm for me. :)

  13. Great idea - have fun with it. And welcome to the 30's, you will love them!

  14. I bet you have already finished #27 and don't even know it. Just be careful you don't commit verbicide...(is that a good one??)

  15. OH and I have tons and tons on WOMERS! Just ask me...
