Sunday, May 15, 2011

cremeens family {louisville family photographer}

Meet the Cremeens family.

This family is extra-special to me... Kari is a dear friend of mine from Troy University. We played college volleyball together and she led a Bible study that I participated in my freshman and sophomore year. Kari played such an instrumental role in my walk with the Lord.

Well... now we're all grown up and Kari lives in Indiana with her husband Abraham and her beautiful little boy Liam. Isn't he precious? (Liam, that is. I mean, Abraham is pretty awesome too... but just to be clear, Liam is the precious one:)

Well, they drove through Louisville recently and made a quick pit stop for a little photo session. It was well worth it. What a beautiful family... which one is your favorite?

{be sure to show some love... for every 10 comments the parents will receive a complimentary print}








  1. Very sweet, and he is just a little doll! Thanks for sharing.....

  2. great shots...he's precious Kari!! love #2.

  3. Lovely pictures. I love the 4th shot where his sweater is in color and complement his eyes.

  4. These are so good. The last one is just too precious!

  5. yay for kari! i like #2 and #3. sweetness...

  6. #2 for sure. liam looks so much like kari to me!

  7. I like #2 because it shows Mama and baby so well. Plus knowing Kari from your college years makes this one extra special for me!

  8. They are all so good, but I think my favorite is #6!

  9. I love all of these! Now looking back, I can tell he wasn't feeling too well. Poor little guy. Julia we have to do this again and get some smiles out of him. Thanks for everything!
