Saturday, May 14, 2011


It's been a rainy, gloomy day here in Louisville. And the clouds have completely ruined my plan to lay out by the pool all day. But...

I will be grateful for this day.

I am grateful that the Farmer's Market opened back up for the summer. I am grateful for the super yummy "straight-from-the-farm" salad I ate for dinner. I am grateful for the cool crisp walk I enjoyed before the rain came. I am grateful for a quiet night of HGTV. I am grateful that Blogger finally recovered my post from the other day. I am grateful for some much-needed crafty time. I am grateful for one last weekend at home before the wedding season officially begins...

I will be grateful for this day.


  1. Sounds like you've been reading 1000 Gifts. I'd be grateful for a quiet night of HGTV, but alas, it was a victim of budget cuts at the Brackett sad.

  2. I love this! Thanks for posting this!

  3. Glad you had a nice peaceful day, especially since you are off and running starting Wednesday! Praying for safe journeys for you sweetie...
