Thursday, May 26, 2011

thankful thursday {link up}

{link up your own Thankful Thursday post here or over on Jamie's blog}

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) ELECTRICITY. I am so thankful that Benjamin Franklin woke up one day and thought to put a metal key on a kite and fly it in a thunderstorm. Stupid idea... brilliant outcome. After being without power for the past few days this week, I realized just how much I rely on electricity. Yes... computers, television, etc... but just the simple things like being able to reheat my pizza, or being able to actually see the toilet before I pee... you know, the small pleasures in life.

2) Trips. Tomorrow morning I head for basically a 3-in-1 trip... photographing a beautiful wedding in Gainesville, then working at the Atlanta office, then off for a weekend in Houston for wedding showers and parties for my sister. If I'm being quite honest, I'm actually very overwhelmed about this 3-in-1 trip. I have to strategically pack work clothes, dresses for bridal showers, 2 computers, and all of my camera gear. I have to drive to Georgia, but then fly to Houston, and then to Louisville. Lance and I will barely see each other over the next couple of weeks, and we won't get to spend our anniversary together this year. But... I'm trying to change my focus. I'm thrilled I get to photograph another wedding... I'm so blessed that I'm employed by a company so willing to let me work from home... and I'm completely stoked that my little sister is planning her dream wedding to her dream guy. I'm trying to remember my one little word for 2011... delight. I want to delight in my experiences.

3) Marriage. This coming Sunday will mark 7 years of blissful marriage for Lance and I. Photographing these weddings has reminded me how beautiful a wedding can be... but even more than that... how beautiful the union itself is. We have a wedding to get married... we don't get married to have a wedding. Marriage is hard work. Don't let anyone fool you. Lance and I have definitely learned a lot in the past 7 years, and he compliments me in a way that no one else could. His strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa. I am so thankful for him and the marriage we share.

What about you? What are you thankful for this Thursday? Feel free to join in below...


  1. This is one of my fav thankful thursday posts - :0) I love you!!!
    - court

  2. i didn't even know it was thursday...and for that, i'm thankful! hope you get to meet baby this week.

  3. Electricity is a good thing! Congratulations on 7 years of marriage!!

  4. can't wait to see more of your great wedding photography! and hooray for celebrating with your sweet sister...a fun time indeed.

    happy early anniversary to you & Lance.

  5. congrats on 7 years of marriage! We just celebrated our 7 yr. anniversary a couple of weeks ago! It makes me feel a tad old that I've been married that long! lol!
