Monday, June 20, 2011

guest bloggers needed...

So... in honor of my new found love for pinterest and my upcoming Alaskan Cruise, I've decided to host a stellar line-up of guest bloggers during my absence. I will be gone approximately 10 days, so I thought, why not schedule guest bloggers based on my top 1o pinterest boards?

The guest bloggers don't need to blog anything about pinterest itself, but rather on the topic of the board. For example, the guest blogger that is chosen to blog on the topic of "Yummy Treats" might blog about their favorite summer snack, share a recipe for their own favorite treat, or maybe just some fun cupcake ideas (you can never go wrong with cupcakes). The topic is pre-decided, but the subject matter is completely up to whoever is chosen to guest blog for that particular day... make sense?

Here's the guest blogger line-up (based on my pinterest boards)...

1) Books & Nooks {Friday July 8th}

2) Craftiness {Saturday July 9th}

3) Cozy Spaces {Sunday July 10th}

4) Home Sweet Home {Monday July 11th}

5) Photography {Tuesday July 12th}

6) Style & Fashion {Wednesday July 13th}

7) Travel {Thursday July 14th}

8) Wedding Bliss {Friday July 15th}

9) Work Space {Saturday July 16th}

10) Yummy Treats {Sunday July 17th}

So... there you have it... if you would like to be a guest blogger for Black Tag Diaries on any of the above days, drop me a line. Email me at: (JuliaLBlack{at}mac{dot}com). Make sure to let me know which day/topic you are interested in and don't forget to provide a link to your blog. Happy guest blogging!


  1. How exciting! Would love to guest blog... although I'd really like you to pack me in your bag for the cruise.

  2. If you still need someone for a yummy treat, I'll happily oblige. I love me some sugar!

  3. I'd be happy to do one on #1 or #10. Let me know! So jealous of your cruise. :)

  4. i can't choose between craftiness and photography. you pick. :) or if you end up needing me for both, i got your back girl. for the craft, i'd love to do a tutorial on this little fabric bow that is cool enough for us to wear. and for photography, i could do any topic that i'm learning about in the my photo class right now. can you tell i'm excited at the thought?!?!?!? :)

  5. Hi! Can't find your email but of course would love to guest post for you! Just tell me when and where:)

  6. Me, please! I feel like you're famous :) My anniversary is July 20 so I'd be perfect for wedded bliss..3 kids later.

  7. How fun! I'd love either craftiness or photography if you have a spot open! :) And way jealous of the cruise!

  8. Hi there - thanks for your lovely comment on my blog - am your latest follower too! I love your style :-)
    If you are still looking for a guest blogger I am sure I could come up with an idea for most of the categories..
    Lowri :-)
