Tuesday, June 21, 2011

top 10 :: things i love about summer

Since today is actually the first official day of summer, today's top ten list is honoring the things I love about summer... There are about a billion, but I'll narrow it down to ten... just for you...

1) Lightning bugs. I just love the magical feeling of lightning bugs. There's just something about seeing them float around as they light up the nighttime air, that just ooozes summertime.

2) Flip flops. Quite possibly the very best thing about summer. I love that feeling of slipping on that favorite pair of flip flops (or chacos) after a long day at the pool.

3) Ranier cherries. Okay... scratch what I said above about flip flops being the best thing about summer... Ranier cherries are definitely the best thing about summer... hands down. And sadly, I haven't had any yet. I think they must be harder to come by over here in Kentucky. Don't worry though... I have already asked my produce man when I should expect to see them... and I only have a few more weeks to wait.

4) Breezy tank tops. I love the silky summery tops that are making a come-back these days. I love the how they flow in the summer breeze and don't cling to any unsightly areas that aren't ready for their summer showing yet.

5) Fun nail polish. Specifically this pastel essie polish... "nice is nice." One of my favorite people mailed me a bottle in my birthday package this year and I can't stop wearing it.

6) Pool time. I mean, you can never go wrong with a little bit of pool time with your favorite book or magazine. There's just something about that chlorine smell I simply can't resist.

7) Vacations. Summer vacations just remind me of being a kid... the countdown until you leave... the thrill of packing... the roadtrip... And although the vacations look a little different as you get older, the anticipation is still the same.

8) Floppy hats. Any good excuse to wear an oversized floppy hat, I'm in.

9) Grilling out. Just the smell of burgers on the grill makes me long for summertime... (well, either that, or football season). I love the gathering that takes place on summer evenings... with neighbors, with friends, with family. It's as if the longer days yearn to be filled with the smell of the grill.

10) Lots and lots of sunshine. I know sometimes it just gets too dang hot in the summer... but give me sunshine, and I am happy. That vitamin D really must do wonders... it always seems to work for me:)

What do you love about summer? Linking up to Oh Amanda and It's a Crafty Life.


  1. Love this list & summer! Thanks for posting at It's a Crafty Life!

  2. Oooh, I love seeing the lightning bugs, too!

  3. I try to wear flip flops as early as possible in the spring and as late into the fall as I can - love them!

  4. Love your theme this week... I tagged along with your idea!

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog today! I'm so glad you did - because I LOVE yours!

  6. Love your list. Flip flops, pool time and vacations are my faves for summer....my husband could live on Ranier cherries, we buy them ughh...almost daily. Great post!

  7. Is that your supper on the grill or more pinterest? Loving summer with you.

  8. Oh, fantastic list! My top favs are the lightening bugs and floppy hats. I love me some floppy hats!!

  9. Such a great list - I also love lightning bugs, flip flops, and grilling out!

  10. I wish summer would come where I'm living. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen the sun. But you're so right though: pastel nail polish, flip flops...can't wait!

  11. What a great list! I love everything on it :) Especially lightning bugs, flip flops, sunshine, and the grill! Thanks for sharing.

  12. I love everything you are loving about summer! This post would be perfect tomorrows summer luvin' party! :)
