Thursday, July 7, 2011

thankful thursday {link up}

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) VACATION. Need I say more? I mean, really? A much-needed break from work... some quality time with my husband... get to see all of my family... first trip to Canada... first trip to Alaska... okay, okay... I'll stop.

2) Finally finishing my packing. Packing for Alaska in July is hard. It is. I know you don't feel sorry for me... but trying to decide what swimsuits to bring and which sweaters to pack was a lot tougher than I thought. Happy to be done with this task.

3) Guest bloggers. I am SO excited about the stellar line-up of guest bloggers I have prepared for the next 10 days. I mean SOOOO excited. And you should be too... they are awesome. Just wait and see.

What are you thankful for this week? Join in with your own Thankful Thursday post below...


  1. Have an amazing time on your trip! :)

  2. Does it count if I did a Thankful post last night? :)

    I can't wait to see the guest posts...and then to hear all about your trip!! :) Blessings!

  3. You are going to Alaska? My goodness, will you able to see Russia?
