Wednesday, July 6, 2011

on the move... again.

It's happening again. No, really... it's true. We are moving... again.

Because apparently we have started a trend of packing up all of our crap and moving once a year (this will be move #4 in 4 years). I mean, because who doesn't enjoy moving? You might be thinking, "But Julia, I thought you were about to leave for an Alaskan cruise??" I am. But the moment we get off the boat from our Alaskan cruise we will start packing up boxes and taking them over to our new house... right before we head over to Houston for my sister's wedding a week later. Bad timing, I know. Or temporary insanity.

The good thing is, we are just moving 15 minutes away. Lance and I will be renting an adorable 3 bedroom, 1 bath house closer to downtown Louisville. We have been discussing this possible move for a few months now. There was a lot that went into this decision, but the jist of it is... We want to live in the neighborhood that we desire to minister in.

Both Lance and I feel called more to urban ministry... we desire to be in community with the broken and helpless... we want to truly be their neighbors... not just figuratively. So, in order to do this, we needed to make a move...

To here. I'm in love with this little house. Well, actually, it's not really that little... it's quite larger than our current space (and less expensive). This house was abandoned for several years and just recently some guys decided to flip it and rent it... and luckily, our timing was just right.

This is the living room, right when you walk in the front door.

It definitely has character... This is heading into the formal dining room.

The dining room. I love, love, love the original hardwood floors.

Here's the kitchen. Newly renovated... nice size... but still no dishwasher. I'm getting pretty good at hand washing though.

Around the corner from the kitchen is the downstairs bedroom, which we will use as the master. It's not the biggest room... heck, I'm not even 100% sure our king size bed will fit in here... but we'll make it work. I wanted to use this room for the master since it's connected to the one (and only) bathroom, as well as the laundry room.

Right off the kitchen and dining room are the stairs. This very well may have been what sold me on the house. I love them.

There are 2 more bedrooms upstairs... this one will be my office.

And this one will be the guest room... that's right... we have a true guest room now. So any of you folks that have been contemplating a visit to Louisville... now's the time:)

Our lease starts July 15th. We get back from the cruise on July 17th. I haven't packed one single box yet... heck, I haven't even packed for the cruise yet. But don't worry... when I return you'll be hearing a lot more about both the cruise and the move!


  1. Bless your heart! That's a lot going on in a short amount of time but it sounds like it will all be worth it in the end. The house is adorable. Now go off on your cruise and have a blast!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Julia I am excited to hear of the upcoming relationships that will be formed through your relocation. I am encouraged by yours and Lance's decision to be with the poor and the oppressed.

  4. Oh busy/crazy/fun life sounds! I do wish I could fly down and help you pack, really. You WILL get everything done. :) And you'll come back from Alaska refreshed and ready to go.

    And oh my goodness, I LOVE your new house. The floors ARE gorgeous, I really like the kitchen, and oh my goodness those stairs!! <3 I can hardly wait to see what you'll do with the space. The Lord sure provides, doesn't he!! :)

    Mostly, I'm so pleased and proud of you and your hubby for making this move in order to live near the people you want to serve. That is, after all, exactly what Jesus did. :) I know God is going to bless you both SO richly for living your life to honor, glorify and serve him!!

  5. I loveeee the house. And I promise I'm going to come visit this one..and you, of course. ;)

  6. Exciting. The house is so pretty and looks like its full of charm! Good luck, pace yourself and cannot wait to see what you do with it!

  7. Very exciting! The house is adorable. Can't wait to see your progress. :)

  8. What a great post! Praying that the Lord will bless you both for loving other's on His behalf - I am thrilled for your ministry!

  9. Wow!! It looks beautiful already; I can't wait to see what it looks like when you make your presence there. Sounds like a packed life for the next month-or-so! Hopefully you'll be so busy the time will fly by, and before you know it you'll be settled again. :)

    Great find! God is good at making space for us when we're headed towards where he wants us to be, eh? :) ENJOY YOUR TRIP!!!!!!!

  10. I'm in love with your little house. I love old houses with character. I keep reminding myself of that as every month goes by and ours doesn't sell. And as for handwashing...that's why you eat out!

  11. i agree w/ out. don't you hate cooking anyway? or if you continue to embrace the salad there shouldn't be too much to clean up, right?

    love the house. soooo much character! so excited for the opportunity you & lance are taking to make this move. i know there is more space, but perhaps different challenges in this new home. But, i'm super excited to see what you do to make it yours. looking forward to a new house tour with photos. and looks like you've already got some great "before" photos.
