Tuesday, July 5, 2011

top 10 :: things to pack for an alaskan cruise

My parents are celebrating 35 years of marriage this year... and to celebrate they are going on an ALASKAN CRUISE... and just happen to be taking us with them. We are beyond ecstatic. Only 2 more days before we fly out for the trip of a lifetime... and I haven't even started packing.

But... I have started thinking about it. Hence, this week's top 10 list...

1) Passport. We happen to be docking out from Vancouver, Canada... therefore making the passport numero uno on the list. No passport... No Canada... No cruise.

2) Camera. I'm definitely packing the big boy for this trip. I'm even bringing my zoom lens. Rumor has it, you can spot whales, sea lions, eagles, moose, and bears... so I don't want to miss a thing.

3) Sweaters. I'm trying to think in layers. It's so bazaar to think about packing sweaters and sweatshirts for a cruise. But the high temps are only in the 60's, and we'll experience chili evenings, no doubt.

4) Swimsuit. Don't worry... it is still a cruise, none-the-less. Our cruise ship boasts several heated pools... a pool with a retractable roof... oh, and a pool with a giant big screen for nighttime movie showings... ummm, yes please.

5) Motion sickness medicine. My family has been on a handful of cruises and we've found that the motion-sickness patch works best for us. We usually wait to see how we feel, and if we're having trouble getting our "sea legs," we'll use half a patch... which usually does the trick.

6) Hiking boots. Or in my case, running shoes. I don't really have a great pair of hiking boots, but in July, running shoes should do the trick. Lance and I won't be doing any crazy glacier-like expeditions, so we'll mostly just need a good pair of shoes for exploring the different Alaskan cities that we'll be visiting.

7) Rain jacket. It's been raining a lot lately in Alaska... and it doesn't look like our time there will be much different. So we will be sure to pack our rain jackets and maybe even a little umbrella... we won't be letting a little bit of rain get in our way for this vacation.

8) Good book. For the plane ride... and then of course if I feel like relaxing dockside a few days. I have a couple of books that have been on my list for a while now... hoping to finally crack them open.

9) Little black dress. This is an essential for any cruise. If you've ever been cruising before, then you know that each cruise usually has at least one formal dinner night on the ship... a perfect LBD should do the trick just fine.

10) Travel journal. This is a must. I want to record our adventures day-by-day on this trip... you know... so I can remember everything to share with you when I get home...

Linking this up to Oh Amanda and It's a Crafty Life.


  1. A friend just returned from this trip and said it was amazing! Her pictures were awesome too. I can't wait to hear about your trip and see it through the eyes of your camera lens! Have a great time!!

  2. I'd love to do this someday. How great that your parents are taking you along! I guess you've been a pretty big part of those 35 years (:

  3. That sounds amazing! Can't wait to see pictures and read aaaaall about it. :) Have a wonderful time with you hubby and parents!! :)

  4. P.S. Thanks a TON for following me. :)

  5. I got married on an Alaskan cruise last July and it was AH-mazing! You are going to have so much fun, enjoy every moment!

  6. my favs are the camera & the journal! that way we can all enjoy a taste of the fun too.

    have a great time!
