Monday, August 22, 2011

signs of settling...

We moved in our new rental a little over a month ago and we are finally getting settled. After a whirlwind month of travel we are finally getting things in their place. Now don't get me wrong... there are still a couple of boxes here and there... and we still have bare mattresses sitting on the floor in the guest bedroom... but we're getting there.

A few signs of settling have been spotted...

...the books are nestled in my favorite bookcase...

...the dinning room table is actually available for use...

...the "wall of fame" has found a new wall...

...the front porch is ready for morning coffee...

...the shoes have found a new spot to reside...

...the stamps are up and sorted...

...the inbox is full...


  1. AWw love it. Its nice to have everything in its place.

  2. The best part of moving to a new place is how organized everything is. It's a great chance to declutter, organize, and clean all at the same time. Looks like you're off to a great start! Love the stamp collection (:

  3. I love it all. How beautiful your new home is!! And I particularly like the buttoned pink pillow on the porch. :)

  4. You know, Julia, I used to really like you until I saw all of your shoes so neatly organized in your I'm not so sure!! :-)
    Glad you guys are getting better feeling than "home". Love to you!

  5. I want a porch to have coffee on. Looks lovely! :)

  6. Looking good! I love your "wall of fame"!

  7. I want a shoe organizer like yours for sure!!!

  8. Your organization astounds me...and slightly sickens me if I may be so honest. Looks great!

  9. Haven't told you lately....I read your blog everyday....(at least the days that I can remember)....and wait with anticipation to see if you have updated it that day. Love having a glimpse into your life...Take Care!

  10. I wanna come live with you. Too bad it's not within commuting distance of samford. :(

  11. Yes, I can't wait to come over and have coffee out on your porch, sit in your darling dining room and even sleep on those mattresses on the floor upstairs!

  12. Your home is so well organized! wow. I especially love the shoes and stamps. *squeee*
