Tuesday, August 23, 2011

top 10 :: grown-up school supplies i need

I seriously love school supplies. I can't help it. Every single year before school starts, I always find myself wandering down the school supplies aisle... perusing the discounted pencils, glue sticks, crayons, and markers. It's some type of gravitational pull. Actually, who am I kidding... I go down the school supply aisle all the time. There's just something about a pack of new ink pens and an empty spiral notebook... it gets me every time.

So... here's my list of grown-up school supplies that I desperately need. I'm pretty sure I would be more productive with everything on this list...

1) Days of the week clothes pins... brilliant. I'm pretty sure this is my kind of calendar. Found at Papers + Presents.

2) Washi tape... yes please. In all of the above colors. Found at Happy Tape.

3) A pretty pencil pouch. A definite must for the school, ahem, work, year. Learn to make your own at Sew, Mama, Sew!

4) Pretty leaf post-it notes. I would use these everywhere... so pretty. Found at Design Vagabond.

5) Miniature hanger paperclips. How adorable are these things?!? I need some. Found at Photojojo.

6) A scrapbook rolodex. I am sooo doing this. Found at Blue Moss Girls.

7) Beautiful leather notebooks. Available in every color imaginable... and they're eco friendly. Found at Kate's Paperie.

8) Office essentials. There's something so beautiful about the simplicity of the classic supplies. Found at pinterest.

9) Map love. Long ago are the days of boring maps... I will definitely be trying this. Found on Not on the High Street.

10) Strings of inspiration. Everyone needs a little inspiration every once in a while... and I love this display idea. Found on Dream Book Design.

Linking this up to Oh Amanda and It's a Crafty Life.


  1. I've always loved school supplies; I guess it's the nerd in me! The scrapbook rolodex is neat, and I love those hanger paper clips. Adorable!

  2. I must find those hanger paper clips! Also, I also get mushy around the leather bound books, such a nice idea.

  3. Very cute post! I love that rolodex idea. How clever!

  4. Love this! My husband thinks I get more excited about BTS shopping than I do Christmas shopping! (He's right!!!)

  5. I thought I was the only nerd who liked school supplies!

  6. One of the things I looked forward to most at the end of summer was shopping for school supplies. I want everything on your wish list!
