Thursday, September 22, 2011

embrace the camera

Embracing the camera this week... with none other than (you guessed it) photos from my Germany trip:)

This one is of me and Lance before the wedding started...

And this one is one of me and Lance long after the wedding and shaking it down at the reception. I'm telling you... these Germans know how to have a proper wedding reception. We left the party at 2am, but heard the next morning that the bride and groom stayed until nearly 5am. It was such a great wedding!

Looking for Thankful Thursday? Go here to link up.


  1. That second picture is so funny! Thanks for sharing!

  2. WOAH! 5 am - now that is a party! Cute photos.

  3. That's awesome! Look at you and Lance all sweet and lovey. Miss you both.

  4. Sounds like fun! Love your blog layout

  5. Sounds like a fun night. Looks like you had a great time!
