Friday, September 2, 2011

in new york...

Buffalo, New York, that is...

I'll be visiting Lake Erie today and enjoying some cooler weather up in good ole Buffalo, NY. But my main reason for the trip...

...this adorable couple...

Brynn & Richard will be tying the knot tomorrow, and I couldn't be more thrilled to be photographing their wedding. This will kick off 3 weekends of weddings for me, so I'm looking forward to getting in blissful wedding mode, and capturing some really special moments for some really special people.

What are you doing for Labor Day?


  1. Have fun. I have been wanting to get more into photography.

  2. Wow thats really exciting! It must be so much fun to be such an integral part of someones big day! Enjoy and Happy Labor day weekend!

  3. You do get around don't you!! Can't wait for you to share some pictures!

  4. Doesn't seem that long ago on one Labor Day Weekend where we all met up in NYC for Jenna's first college volleyball tournament. Seems just like yesterday! Have fun!
