Thursday, September 1, 2011

thankful thursday {link up}

{feel free to link up your own Thankful Thursday post at the bottom}

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Holiday weekends. I mean, duh. Who doesn't love an extra day (or two) added to their weekend. Mine will be spent traveling to the great state of New York. I'm photographing a beautiful wedding for a beautiful couple.

2) Dance Moms. Not moms that dance... but the reality show, Dance Moms. It is so ridiculous, that I'm actually entertained by it. It's like a step above Toddlers and Tiaras... classy television, I tell ya.

3) Dibs Ice Cream bites. These things are brilliant. Little bite size ice cream snacks... delicious. And for some reason, you just don't feel as guilty eating a cup full of these little guys.

What are you thankful for this Thursday?


  1. I've gotten into Dance Moms I can't help but watch it each week :)

  2. dance moms? I'm going to have to check it out ;)

  3. We had those Dibs at the movies one time. Amazing!

  4. I'm definitely thankful for the long, holiday weekend! It can't come soon enough! :)

  5. Have a wonderful holiday weekend in Buffalo, NY with a great wedding photo shoot and a little cooler weather!
