Friday, October 14, 2011

little cat's promotion

Some of you may remember last year when I hired my very own personal assistant. The initial hiring process was tedious, and for a while, I wasn't sure Little Cat was going to make the cut. But after having a serious conversation with him regarding his work ethic, things have improved drastically. Based on his outstanding work performance, Little Cat has recently been promoted as my agent.

His new position requires him to assist with my daily schedule. He is very time-efficient now.... making sure we stay on track... not missing any appointments... and are on time for all meetings.

Every week we meet together to review our budget and financials. Little Cat is extremely gifted in excel, we have been working on pivot tables recently.

There is also a lot stapling involved in his new role as my agent. Constantly stapling important papers. Little Cat prefers the "One Touch" stapler brand...very efficient.

For a while, I considered purchasing one of those fancy keyboard rests... but Little Cat said it wasn't in the budget. However, Little Cat, being the team player that he is, said he was willing to help me out until we could work something out.

Little Cat has also taken on the responsibility as my travel coordinator. He helps with my packing and outfit selections. He is a really light packer and often scolds me when I try to bring too many shoes for a weekend trip.

Because this new position was a live-in, we knew we would be spending lots of quality time with my new agent... however, we didn't expect that he would be so stingy with the remote... or that we would be watching Animal Planet all the time.

Ever since Little Cat has been promoted, he has made sure to only sleep after work hours. No more on-the-job-cat-naps...

Well... for the most part...


  1. LOVE little cat! I LOVE little cat when he voices his opinion during our phone calls. Perfect little darling.

  2. All in all, I think it is time for your cat to get a raise! Way to go Little Cat, you are so efficient!

  3. I love this!!! He is such a beautiful kitty. But shouldn't his name be promoted, too? He's not very little anymore! :)

    (please pet him for me...)

  4. Haha. This is adorable. I love that he is working on pivot tables. ;) From one finance/accounting girl to another. Well done. :)

  5. Oh my gosh, first time to your blog. I love this! I'm sending this link to my sister because it reminds me so much of her! So fun! New follower! :)


    {A Mom Without Facebook}

  6. lololol... sounds like a stand up this economy good help is hard to's best to just let him rest

  7. i am not even a cat person and i have an affinity for little cat now. well done, cat momma. so cute. :)
