Monday, October 17, 2011

nightstand love affair...

My mother-in-law brought me a little 3-drawer nightstand several months ago. I have had it sitting on my back porch since then... just waiting for it's make-over. I even bought the paint color I wanted to use with my mother-in-law that weekend... it's just been waiting. I knew we were going to have amazing weather this weekend, and after the success of the $3 nightstand re-do, I've been itching to give this one a facelift as well. Here it is... start to finish...

The before photo... well after I started taking off some of the pulls.

Stirring up the paint color... with a kabob stick...

Here's the color of choice...

Drawers out... first coat of paint on. So far, so good...

Problem... these stupid little things that were behind the drawer pulls would NOT come off.

Solution... paint directly over those stupid little things.

Little Cat came out to examine my work so far... look at those critical eyes.

Looking much better after a second coat of paint.

I found these adorably simple drawer pulls at Lowes. I love the vintage feel they add. I lightly distressed the edges to add some character.

One more time, the before photo. Drumroll please....

And here it is... the finished product. I think I'm in love.

Linking this to:


  1. Looks awesome! Did you do anything like use sandpaper? Just paint? Great job!

  2. I love love love this! What an awesome color... very brave of you! I always tend to use more muted blues even though that peacock blue makes me drool!
    I LOVE the pieces behind the pulls. I'm glad you had to leave them! They add so much interest...

  3. Julia you are becoming a pro!! Its looks so cute, and I too like the little added face-plates behind the crystal knobs adds just a little something different. (FYI.. I have found that those are usually attached with very small nails. If you can get a small flat head screwdriver under them you can pry them off.)

  4. Love that! How did you distress it?

  5. Will you come remake my house? Love it!

  6. So pretty. Love your paint choice and those knobs look totally Anthro.

    Good job, you.

  7. lovely. post another photo once you put it in its place. i'm sure it will look great in your house!

  8. sweet! that's amazing. nice work

  9. Wow Julia! So impressed! Love it and can't wait to come see your new sweet home, everything you have worked on and YOU, LANCE and Little Cat in person!

  10. Just wanted to swing by and let you know that I featured your project tonight on Motivated Monday at BeColorful.
