Tuesday, October 18, 2011

top 10 :: organizing ideas

I've been in one of those moods lately. You know the kind... The kind where you feel like your life is in utter chaos, but you have absolutely no time (or motivation) to do anything about it. So, instead, I just daydream on pintrest and my favorite organizing blogs... thinking of all of the wonderful ways I could get my life in order. Maybe this is the motivation I need... I mean, this post does kind of make me want to alphabetize something...

Here you have it... top 10 organizing ideas...

1) Hanging files are your friend.
Especially when found in a beautiful color. Organizing my paper stash (bills & finances) always gives me a headache, but Toni over at A Bowl Full of Lemons has some great file organizing ideas. Click on the source for the actual post. {source}

2) Compartmentalize your thoughts...
...and jewelry. Create super easy, affordable drawer compartments with simple jewelry boxes. {source}

3) Think vertically.
Love the idea of using old wooden crates as wall storage. {source}

4) File those paper scraps.
I never know what to do with all of my paper scraps... this is brilliant. Maybe I'll actually use my scraps now. {source}

5) Free up valuable drawer space.
Genius. I will definitely be doing this soon. {source}

6) Create a recipe binder.
I mean, I would totally do this... if I cooked. {source}

7) Hide stuff under your bed...
...in an organized fashion, of course. I love the idea of using drawers on wheels for linen storage. This would be a great spot for unsightly toys too. {source}

8) Organize your canned foods.
This is so smart. Install some wire shelves at an angle so you can actually see your canned food goods. Maybe if I did this I wouldn't have 18 cans of green beans. {source}

9) Use office supplies in the kitchen.
I love this idea. What a beautiful way to store onions and lemons. {source}

10) Create a family binder.
Jen over at I Heart Organizing is an organizing goddess. Her ideas are always brilliant and realistic. This is one of my favorites. {source}

What about you? Do you have any organizing tips or ideas that you've been wanting to try lately? Or maybe you're already super organized... then share your secrets!

Linking this up to Oh Amanda.


  1. LOVE this post! I am always looking for ways to be even more organized. These are some great ideas I'll def. have to try!!! :)

  2. Ugh... I despise being unorganized, but I am completely lost with organization lately!! Thanks for the tips!

  3. Such great idea. I have seen the onions on citrus hanging crates before. Such a cute idea. A nice way to brighten up your kitchen too. :)

  4. All I want is for my house to be fairly clean and in some semblance of order. Organized? ha! As a full-time student, part-time worker, and 24/7/356 wife (most important role!), I barely have time to keep up with dishes and laundry, let alone anything else.

    Over Thanksgiving and Christmas break, however, I hope to try some of those ideas. I'd LOVE to be more organized!!

  5. Some really good ideas, thanks for sharing. I think the magazine holder used for the cling wrap/foil is fabulous. Also, I love the look of the crates on the wall. I bet my stamping room could benefit from that idea.

  6. I think you have 18 cans of green beans because you don't cook :) although for someone who doesn't, you do post lots of fun recipes. I need to look up that dip recipe from last year...
